Project: | Interdisciplinary cooperation and development of personnel capacities in the prevention of domestic and gender-based violence in Jirkov |
finance mechanism: | Norway grants 2014-2021 |
Program: | Human rights |
support recipient: | Jirkov Municipal Institute of Social Services, contributory organization |
provider of funds: | Ministry of Finance, Letenská 15,118 10 Prague |
project registration number: | LP-HRMGSB-003 |
project implementation time: | 1.11.2022 – 29.2.2024 (16 months) |
place of project implementation: | Czech Republic, Ústí Region, Jirkov |
Project links
Project partners
Purpose of the project:
The project aims to strengthen the capacity of the system to prevent and combat domestic and gender-based violence. The emergence of a new interdisciplinary platform will help the effective case management of a multidisciplinary approach. By increasing personnel capacities, the project will support the improvement of cooperation between regional organizations in working with persons at risk of violence and victims of violence. professional capacities.
Expected benefits of the project, project
The project wants to improve the situation in Jirkov and its surroundings in the area of assistance to persons at risk and victims of domestic and gender-based violence.
Increase of professional capacities, cooperation, effective coordination of necessary assistance, education.
In other words, the goal of the project is to improve the situation in the field of human rights, to raise awareness of the issue of domestic and gender-based violence in the professional and lay public.
A partial goal is to increase the expertise of professionals in Jirkov. Through the education of future professionals, communication about violence against persons with disabilities, the elderly, violence in interpersonal relationships. By targeting a wider public through online campaigns and sharing good practice, we want to better inform the public and break some of the taboos that still exist in regional conditions.
Project activities – „key activities“
- Project management
- Publicity
- Establishment and operation of an interdisciplinary platform
- Development of personnel and professional capacities of workers of entities involved in multidisciplinary cooperation
- Enlightenment, education
- Conferences
Target groups
- persons at risk or victims of domestic violence and gender-based violence, especially persons senior citizens and persons with medical or chronic illnesses, i.e. persons separately disadvantaged, often facing multiple discrimination.
- organizations in and around Jirkov, organizations operating in the territory of Jirkov and catchment municipalities
- employees of partners
- the general public
- students of professional programs in social services
End users
- Public
- Students (any age)
- Victims of domestic/gender-based violence
Project results
3.02 jobs created as part of strengthening the capacities of the system to prevent and combat domestic and gender-based violence
245 people supported through services and activities of project
One established interdisciplinary platform that contributes to comprehensive assistance to victims of domestic and gender-based violence in Jirkov
Publicity of the project
In progress…